How has improved car safety benefited other road users?


Throughout the years, improved car safety has also benefited other road users; the risk of a car crashing with cyclists or pedestrians has decreased, as has the risk of a serious outcome of such a crash. Table 3 presents a summary of some important safety feature characteristics: date of market launch, mandation in the Netherlands, and what is known about the road safety effect. Bear in mind that a lot of cars had already been equipped with safety features before they became mandatory (see the question How does Euro NCAP contribute to road safety?). The effectiveness figures cannot be used to estimate the total number of road casualties saved, because some safety features impact on the same crash type. For additional information about the safety features in Table 3, see the other questions in this fact sheet.

Table 3. Overview of safety features and their effect on the road safety of other road users
* Dates of market launch: ABS [23], AEB [8], pop-up hood [32], pedestrian airbag [33], AVAS [34]. The date of the market launch of an AEB for pedestriants and cyclists could not be ascertained.
** Mandation dates for new cars: AEB [35], AVAS [31].
*** UN/ECEguidelines are available in [27].

Part of fact sheet

Safe passenger cars

Since the seventies, the safety of car occupants has greatly improved, expressed in both the number of road crash fatalities and in mortality risk. Meer

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