Which types of injury do road casualties sustain and what is the injury severity?


Figure 7 illustrates which body parts sustain serious injury and to what extent the consequences are acute or permanent (the burden of injury, expressed in the number of years lived with disability (YLD)). Remarkable are the large proportions of hip and leg trauma, followed by head injuries. Lasting effects mainly result from injuries to the head and torso, but also from injuries to the hip and upper leg. Casualties who suffer lasting impairment mainly experience pain and problems with their daily activities. About 33% of the casualties experience lingering effects. The injuries and burden of injury vary between traffic modes, between different age groups and between males and females. For more information, see the report The road injury burden dissected [16].

The injury burden of the serious road injuries in 2022 was estimated at 22,500 YLD [1]. The group of hospitalised MAIS2 road injuries – which also used to come under the definition of serious road injuries - was twice as large and had an injury burden of approximately 28,500 YLD in 2022 [1].


Figure 7. Distribution of injuries and injury burden by body part. The distribution is based on the serious road injuries registered in LBZ in 2014 [16].

Part of fact sheet

Serious road injuries in the Netherlands

In 2022, the number of serious road injuries in the Netherlands was estimated at 8,300. That number is about 1,500 (over 20%) higher than the 2021 Meer

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