What causes serious injury crashes?


Crashes are usually caused by a combination of factors and thus often have multiple causes [14]. For example, speeding, drink and/or drug driving, and fatigue are known to be factors in the occurrence and/or outcome of crashes. Road design, vehicle characteristics and conditions can also contribute to the occurrence of a crash. However, crash causes are not (reliably) registered in BRON and LBZ. Therefore, it cannot be unequivocally determined in how many crashes the various factors played a role.

However, there is evidence of factors that often play a role in crash causation, for example, from European research on characteristics of serious road injuries among pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and car occupants [15]. This study found the following common crash causes:

  •      observation or judgment errors;
  •      inappropriate speed or reckless driving;
  •      use of psychoactive substances;
  •      loss of control of the vehicle.

Other contributing factors can be found in various SWOV fact sheets under the topic of Risks.

Part of fact sheet

Serious road injuries in the Netherlands

In 2022, the number of serious road injuries in the Netherlands was estimated at 8,300. That number is about 1,500 (over 20%) higher than the 2021 Meer

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