What is the risk for young road users in the Netherlands?


Young road users aged 15 to 17 are relatively less often killed in traffic than road users of other ages [1]. Yet, in the case of young road users, it is important not to limit our view to road fatalities. After all, this age group does run a higher injury risk (estimated for distance travelled; MAIS2+ and not killed [i]) than all other age groups [1]. Looking at the health burden (expressed as disability-adjusted life years, life years lost and years lived with a disability) these young road users carry 15% of the health burden due to road crashes [1]. The only group with a heavier health burden are the over-75s.

Compared to other non-natural causes of death of youngsters, road crashes are the secondary cause of death after the primary cause of death which is suicide (Figure 2).


Figure 2. The share of young road users aged 10-19 with a non-natural cause of death in 2011-2020. Source: Statistics Netherlands, causes of death [2].

[i] Based on registered numbers.

Part of fact sheet

Young road users (teenagers and adolescents)

In the Netherlands, an average of 24 youngsters aged 12 to 17 are killed in traffic, most of whom are cyclists. After suicide, road crashes are the Meer

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