What is the risk of alcohol and/or drug use for young road users?



Research shows that only a very small minority of cyclists aged 10 to 17 that ended up in an ER, had drunk alcohol in the six hours preceding the crash [26]. The standard limit for cyclists is 0,5g/L. As the blood alcohol content (BAC) rises, injury risk increases. For more information, see SWOV fact sheet Driving under the influence of alcohol.


The prevalence of youngsters’ traffic participation while under the influence of drugs is unknown. We do know something about the effect drugs can have on skills that are important for traffic participation. For more information, see SWOV fact sheet Drugs and medicines.

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Young road users (teenagers and adolescents)

In the Netherlands, an average of 24 youngsters aged 12 to 17 are killed in traffic, most of whom are cyclists. After suicide, road crashes are the Meer

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