What other risks do young road users run?


(Souped-up) (light) moped and speed pedelecs

After cycling, riding a (light) moped is the transport mode with most road deaths among youngsters. It is unknown how many of their vehicles were souped up. Nowadays, mopeds and light mopeds are not vehicles typically used by youngsters. Up to 2010, a relatively large share of (light) moped casualties were younger than twenty; currently the casualties are more often distributed among all ages.

Cycling in the dark

The specific crash risk for youngsters when cycling in the dark is unknown. What we do know is that for all age groups, and thus for youngsters as well, the share of crashes in twilight and darkness is larger than the share of bicycle kilometres travelled in twilight and darkness. In addition, youngsters appear to travel most in twilight and darkness [27]. Compared to adults, youngsters were shown to use bicycle lights relatively less often [28]. In general, more crashes occur in the dark. During the evening rush hour, more crashes occur in darkness than in daylight. Particularly pedestrians and cyclists run a higher crash risk in twilight and darkness [29] [30] [31]. When a cyclist has a functioning front and rear light, crash risk drops by 17% [32]. Yet, the researchers say that the uncertainty of the outcome is substantial. The quality of the bicycle lights was not taken into account either (the results refer to bicycle lights that were common between 2002 to 2010).

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Young road users (teenagers and adolescents)

In the Netherlands, an average of 24 youngsters aged 12 to 17 are killed in traffic, most of whom are cyclists. After suicide, road crashes are the Meer

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