Distracted by the distraction detection system?

With increasing automation in vehicles, the role of motorists may shift from driving to supervising. However, there is a danger that motorists will become distracted if they do not have to steer themselves. How well do surveillance systems work that monitor whether drivers are distracted too much? And can these systems even have a negative influence on the motorist? SWOV conducted a study and developed a virtual reality simulator for this purpose.

Sarah Gebhard of SWOV interviews Canmanie Ponnambalam (also SWOV) about the study. The study was part of the EU project MEDIATOR, that will hold it's 'Final Event' on April 13th in The Hague (NL). Registration for this event will be open until March 31st (free entry).

MEDIATOR has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 814735.

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