
8012 documents found.

Published: (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) | Westerhuis, F.; Waard, D. de
Published: (Sweco) | Sweco
Published: | Capallera, M.; Meteier, Q.; De Salis, E.; Widmer, M.; Angelini, L.; Carrino, S.; Sonderegger, A.; Abou Khaled, O.; Mugellini, E.
Published: (Delft University of Technology Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Lars Müller Publishers) | Van Grondelle, E.D.
Published: | De Winkel, K.N.; Irmak, T.; Happee, R.; Shyrokau, B.
Published: | Bushover, B.R.; Mehranbod, C.A.; Gobaud, A.N.; Branas, C.C.; Chen, Q.; Giovenco, D.P.; Humphreys, D.K.; Morrison, C.N.