9570 documents found.

Published: | Davydow, D.S.; Gifford, J.M.; Desai, S.V.; Needham, D.M.; Bienvenu, J.
Published: (Universität Potsdam, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Arbeitsstelle für Bildungs- und Sozialisationsforschung) | Hoffmann, L.
Published: | Casey, B.J.; Getz, S.; Galvan, A.
Published: (U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA)
Published: (Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration) | Staplin, L.; Lococo, K.; Byington, S.
Published: | Harkey, D.L.; Reinfurt, D.W.; Knuiman, M.
Published: | Trivedi, B. Kesterke, M.J. Bhattacharjee, R. Weber, W. Mynar, W. &
Published: | Sikka, N. Vila, C. Stratton, M. Ghassemi, M. & Pourmand, A.