10157 documents found.

Published: | Curry, A.E.; Elliott, M.R.; Pfeiffer, M.R.; Kim, K.H.; Durbin, D.R.
Published: | Goede, M. de; Postma, A.
Published: (Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment; Directorate General Rijkswaterstaat; Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW); Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR); European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA))
Published: | Brenneisen, R.; ElSohly, M.A.; Murphy, T.P.; Passarelli, J.; Russmann, S.; Salamone, S.J.; Watson, D.E.
Published: | Driel, C.J.G. van
Published: | Allen-Munley, C.; Daniel, J.; Dhar, S.
Published: | O’Cathain, A.; Nicholl, J.; Sampson, F.; Walters, S.; McDonnell, A.; Munro, J.

Published: | Watts, G.; Maercke, D. van; Leeuwen, H. van; Barelds, R.; Beuving, M.; Defrance, J.; Jonasson, H.; Nota, R.; Taraldsen, G.; Witte, J.