242 documents found.

Published: | De Ceunynck, T.; Wijlhuizen, G.J.; Fyhri, A.; Gerike, R.; Köhler, D.; Ciccone, A.; Dijkstra, A.; Dupont, E.; Cools, M.
Published: (Delft University of Technology Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Lars Müller Publishers) | Van Grondelle, E.D.
Published: (Kennisnetwerk SPV) | SWOV; CROW
Published: | Tinga, A.M.; Zeumeren, I.M. van; Christoph, M.; Grondelle, E. van; Cleij, D.; Aldea, A.; Nes, N. van
Published: (SpringerLink) | Wegman, F.; Aarts, L.; Knaap, P. van der
Published: (European Commission) | MEDIATOR Consortium
Published: (European Commission) | LEVITATE Consortium
Published: (SWOV) | Schermers, G.; Goldenbeld, Ch.; Bijleveld, F.D.; Nabavi Niaki, M.; Weijermars, W.A.M.
Published: (SWOV) | SWOV
Published: (SWOV) | Weijermars, W.A.M.; Bos, N.M.; Boele-Vos, M.J.; Davidse, R.J.