107 documents found.

Published: | Pires, C.; Torfs, K.; Areal, A.; Goldenbeld, C.; Vanlaar, W.; Granié, M.-A.; Achermann Stürmer, Y.; Shingo Usami, D.; Kaiser, S.; Jankowska-Karpa, D.; Nikolaou, D.; Holte, H.; Kakinuma, T.; Trigoso, J.; Van den Berghe, W.; Meesmann, U.
Published: | Vlakveld, W.P.
Published: | Nikolaou, D.; Goldenbeld, C.; Ziakopoulos, A.; Laiou, A.; Yannis, G.
Published: | Leo, C.; Klug, C.; Ohlin, M,; Bos, N.M.; Davidse, R.J.; Linder, A.
Published: | Winkelbauer, M; Donabauer, M.; Pommer, A.; Jansen, R.
Published: (European Commission) | MEDIATOR Consortium
Published: | Pérez, K.; Weijermars, W.; Bos, N.; Filtness, A.J.; Bauer, R; Johannsen, H.; Nuyttens, N.; Pascal, L.; Thomas, P.; Olabarria, M.; The Working group of WP7 project
Published: (Inspectieraad) | Knaap, P. van der