1349 documents found.

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In the Netherlands, licence acquisition courses for category B (passenger cars) are concluded by a theoretical and a practical test. Driving lessons are not obligatory, but without them passing the practical test is virtually impossible. For practical reasons, the effectiveness of drivings tests and driver training is hard to assess in a scientific way.

Published: | Asadi, M.; Ulak, M.B.; Geurs, K.T.; Weijermars, W.
Published: | Stelling, A.; Hettema, Z.; Boele, M.
Published: | Uijtdewilligen, T.; Ulak, M.B.; Wijlhuizen, G.J.; Geurs, K.T.
Published: | Van der Kint, S.T.; Van Schagen, I.; Vlakveld, W.; Mons, C; De Zwart, R.; Hoekstra, T.
Published: | Winkel, K.N. de; Christoph, M.; Nes, N. van
Published: (European Road Safety Observatory, European Commission) | Boele-Vos, M.; Van Schagen, I.
Published: | Sha, H.; Singh, M.K.; Haouari, R.; Papazikou, E.; Quddus, M.; Quigley, C.; Chaudhry, A.; Thomas, P.; Weijermars, W.; Andrew Morris, A.
Published: | Goldenbeld, C.; Stelling, A.; Van der Kint, S.