Dr Diane Cleij researches human-machine interaction in relation to automated vehicles. She investigates interactions between driver and vehicle as well as between different traffic participants. She has worked on the European projects LEVITATE and MEDIATOR, and behavioural risk inventory of field tests with (partially) automated vehicles on the public roads. and is project leader of the line of research into interaction between automated vehicles and other road users. Currently, she leads a research line focused on the interaction between automated vehicles and other road users. She is furthermore involved in several projects related to the requirements for optimal collaboration between drivers and (partially) autonomous vehicles, and researches corresponding assessment methods. Diane is also member of the SWOV works council.

Diane received her master’s degree in 2014 from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the Delft University of Technology. Her PhD work took place at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Germany, in collaboration with the Delft University of Technology. In 2020 she completed her PhD thesis on Measuring, modelling and minimizing perceived motion incongruence for vehicle motion simulation.



Human factors in vehicle automation
+31 70 3173333