How fast do agricultural vehicles drive?


The legal maximum speed of agricultural vehicles in the Netherlands is 25 km/h, but especially tractors often drive (much) faster [7]. Research by Rijkswaterstaat [8] found that only 11% of the surveyed drivers of a tractor with trailer indicated that they mostly drive slower than the limit of 25 km/h, 64% said they mostly drive between 25 and 40 km/h and 25% said that hey drive 40 km/h or faster. As agricultural vehicles are not subject to registration and have no licence plate, it is not possible to use automated speed enforcement (see also under the question What effect is to be expected from licencing agricultural vehicles?). Late 2016, Dutch parliament adopted a motion to increase the maximum speed of agricultural vehicles to 40 km/h [9].

Part of fact sheet

Agricultural traffic

In the past ten years (2006-2015) an average of 11 road deaths per year in the Netherlands was registered in crashes involving agricultural… Meer

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