Few studies have found a positive effect of advanced rider training on motorcycle safety (see SWOV fact sheet Driver training and driving tests). A meta-analysis of Kardamanidis et al. [37] of motorcycle rider trainings (advanced and regular) shows that it is not possible to draw firm conclusions about their effects on the crash rate, fatality rate and violation behaviour. Kardamanidis et al. [37] note that in many of these studies motorcyclists were not randomly selected for groups with or without training. It is therefore possible that the groups that were coached in the advanced rider training was already different (safer, more experienced, etc.) than the groups that were not coached. For a Dutch advanced rider training (VRO) for motorcyclists a positive effect on safety was found. This one-day course offered by the KNMV[i], with a practical component on the public road, coaches motorcyclists in anticipating, recognizing and analysing potential hazards in traffic. Following this VRO had a short term (a few months) positive effect on both safe driving habits as hazard perception. In the long term (one to one and a half years) there was still a positive effect on safe riding, but the effect on hazard perception could no longer be established [38].
[i] Royal Netherlands Motorcyclists Association