Publications and sources


Below you will find the list of references that are used in this fact sheet. All sources used can be consulted or retrieved.

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[28]. Schagen, I. van & Feypell, V. (2011). Speed and speed management for road safety. An overview of the findings of the OECD Working Group on speed management. In: Twisk, D. & Nickel, W.R. (red.), Fit to Drive: Proceedings of the 5th International Traffic Expert Congress. April 6th-8th 2011, The Hague. Kirschbaum Verlag.

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[34]. Vis, A.A. & Kaal, I. (1993). De veiligheid van 30 km/uur-gebieden. Een analyse van letselongevallen in 151 heringerichte gebieden in Nederlandse gemeenten [Safety of 30 km/h areas. An analysis of injury accidents in 151 reorganized areas in Dutch municipalities]. R-93-17 [Summary in English]. SWOV, Leidschendam.

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Part of fact sheet

Speed and speed management

If the average speed on a road increases, crash risk also increases, as does the risk of a serious outcome.

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