Measures to stimulate cycling and walking

May 8-9, the final conference of the CEDR project ISAAC will take place in Brussels. The result of the project is an interactive website that allows local, regional and national policy makers to gain insight in measures that stimulate cycling and walking at the expense of car use. 

In this project, SWOV has focused on studying the road safety effects of all modal shifts. Information about this topic is presented in the tool that is developed in this project: the PedBikePlanner.


The PedBikePlanner webtool can provide tailor-made recommendations on how to boost walking and cycling in your city. In addition, it functions as a repository of condensed and user-friendly information on the expected effects of more than 50 measures to boost walking and cycling on mobility, road safety and security.

Tim De Ceunynck, VIAS Institute and ISAAC project partner:

„The most innovative aspect of the tool is that it is a comprehensive tool that provides the most essential evidence-based information of ‘all’ measures to stimulate walking and cycling in a very condensed and easy to use format. Before PedBikePlanner, transport planners needed to search through vast amounts of fragmented information, which was very time-consuming and biased. This tool will save them lots of time and improve the decisions that are made.”

The project, led by SWOV, was funded by the CEDR Transnational Road Research Programme 2015. Consortium partners were VIAS (BE), TU Dresden (DE), TOI (NO) and Polis (BE).

Registrations for the conference are closed. You can, however, follow the conference on May 9 online.