SWOV offers a healthy research climate and an open and collegial working atmosphere. The researchers have diverse academic backgrounds, such as physics, mathematics, psychology, public administration, mechanical engineering, human geography and civil engineering. The researchers are supported by dedicated colleagues in Operations and Communication. Multidisciplinary teams work together to achieve the ultimate goal: prevent crashes, reduce injuries, save lives!
In 2020 there were an average of 58 employees, 3 more than in 2019. One employee was said farewell and 2 were hired. On December 31, there were 57 persons (50.04 FTE) with an appointment. There are 9 interns guided by us in 2020.
The management of SWOV consists of Dr. Peter van der Knaap (managing director) and ir. Rob Eenink (deputy director). Together with the Supervisory Board, they are responsible for SWOV's strategy and position. SWOV employees are represented by a five-member works council.
In order to guarantee the quality of its research, SWOV uses, among other things, the input of highly qualified external experts. They sit on the Scientific Advisory Council (WAR) and the Program Advisory Council (PAR). SWOV strives to invite experts who are active in various areas of the traffic and road safety area.
- Members Supervisory Board (RVT) (on 31 December 2020)
- Members Programme Advisory Board (PAR) (on 31 December 2020)
- Members Scientific Advisory Board (WAR) (on 31 December 2020)
SWOV has had four research departments since the reorganization in 2019:
- Data and Analysis for Policy (head: dr. Letty Aarts)
- Road User Behaviour (head: dr. Ragnhild Davidse)
- Human Factors and Vehicle Automation (head: prof. dr.ir. Nicole van Nes)
- Infrastructure and Traffic (head: dr.ir Wendy Weijermars)
SWOV research is preferably multidisciplinary in nature. The research projects are structured in such a way that input is provided from the different areas of expertise represented in the four research departments.