1517 documents found.

Driver fatigue is estimated to be a (contributing) factor in 15 to 20% of crashes, but estimates in individual studies vary widely. Drivers who are tired are less attentive and react less quickly and less adequately than drivers who are not tired. They also get irritated and frustrated more easily.

Sustainable Road Safety implies that the traffic environment is designed to rule out serious crashes and to mitigate the severity of the crashes that do happen. The human dimension is the primary focus: man who is vulnerable, makes mistakes and does not abide by the rules.

A progressive penalty system encompasses heavier or more far-reaching sanctions being imposed as one commits more offences. A progressive penalty system is often called a progressive fines system if it involves increasingly higher financial penalties (fines), but (other) recidivism schemes such as demerit points systems can also be seen as a progressive penalty systems.

Published: (SWOV) | Stelling, A.; Hettema, Z.J.A.; Boele, M.J.
Published: | Goldenbeld, C.; Stelling, A.; Van der Kint, S.
Published: (SWOV) | Gebhard, S.E.; Wijlhuizen, G.J.; Dijkstra, A.
Published: (SWOV) | Schermers, G.; Gebhard, S.E.
Published: (SWOV) | Schermers, G.; Oude Mulders, J.; Bos, N.M.
Published: (European Road Safety Observatory, European Commission) | Stelling, A.; Boets, S.
Published: (European Road Safety Observatory, European Commission) | Doumen, M.; Vlakveld, W.