SWOV researchers Gebhard, Nabavi Niaki, Schermers, and Goldenbeld coauthored the deliverable D6.5 'Guidelines and recommendations for future policy of cooperative and automated passenger cars' of the H2020 project LEVITATE.
The aim of the LEVITATE project is to prepare a new impact assessment framework to enable policymakers to manage the introduction of connected and automated transport systems, maximise the benefits and utilise the technologies to achieve societal objectives. As part of this work, LEVITATE seeks to forecast societal level impacts of connected and automated transport systems (CATS) or, as these systems are more recently referred to, cooperative, connected, and automated mobility (CCAM). These impacts include effects on mobility, safety, environment and economy. Work Package 6 (WP6) considers the societal impacts of automated passenger car use in urban environments. Within WP6, the impacts of six policy measures related to particular developments in automated passenger cars are considered in what are termed sub-use cases (SUCs).
LEVITATE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824361.