Horizon 2020 project MEDIATOR concluded

After four years of conducting research and creating innovations, the final review meeting of the EU-funded MEDIATOR project took place in Brussels on 15 June. The work package leaders proudly shared their main results with Ancuta Pasca (CINEA) and Patrick Mercier-Handisyde and enjoyed lively discussions and their positive feedback.

The last deliverables have been been approved and will also become available shortly on the projects’ website.

SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research has been the coordinator of this 4-year project. SWOV-experts van Nes and Christoph have thanked all partners in the consortium for their great work and commitment during the last four years. It proved quite a journey, in which Covid-19 played a huge role, despite that the project members can be very proud of the outcomes.

MEDIATOR has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 814735.