SWOV in 2015: research

SWOV's reseaAdvies over (verhoging van) rijsnelheden van bromfietsers als gevolg op de maatregel ‘Bromfiets op de rijbaan’rch coAdvies over (verhoging van) rijsnelheden van bromfietsers als gevolg op de maatregel ‘Bromfiets op de rijbaan’vers the entire field of road safety, infrastructure, vehicles, people and behaviour. In 2015 numerous research-and/or advice implemented projects were carried out, both within the annual programme agreed with the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and for other clients in regional and municipal governments, institutions and organizations, interest groups and in trade and industry.

SoAnalyse van de verkeersonveiligheid van oudere fietsers en voetgangersme SWOV-studies had a stronger influence on policy or encountered greater interest of Government or public. This was particularly the case for the policy-oriented study Monitor Policy Stimulus Road Safety 2015, the Road Safety Outlook for 2020 and 2030, the study Changing up to more road safety, study into the effects of ageing on traffic behaviour and mobility, the evaluation of the test phase of the accompanied driving project 2toDrive and the estimation of the number of road deaths due to distraction.

In 2015, time was also spent on the national and international dissemination of the research findings of the study into injury consequences that were published in the report Lasten van verkeersletsel ontleed. 

Project Assessments and Outlooks

Project Effects of an ageing population on traffic flow and road safety

Other research in 2015

Complete list of SWOV reports in 2015

Complete list of SWOV articles and presentations in 2015

Complete survey of SWOV research