13th Westminster lecture on transport safety : Transport accident investigation: a question of trust. Lecture given in London, 11th December 2002.

Smart, K.

The Public Inquiry into the rail accident at Ladbroke Grove, UK recommended that a Rail Accident Investigation Branch be established using the model of the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) and the Marine Accidents Investigation Branch (MAIB). The history of safety regulation and accident investigation in the maritime, rail and aviation industries is described and the safety culture of each industry is considered. The importance of the independence of the investigation body following any major transport accident is illustrated by the AAIB's development of independence. The quality of the investigation body and the treatment of those affected by accidents are discussed.

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C 28355 [electronic version only] /10 /80 / ITRD E120538

London, Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS), 2002, 16 p.

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