16 year old moped casualties : analysis of road accidents in Great Britain 2000 – 2006.

Hopkin, J.

This report has been commissioned by the IAM Motoring Trust to investigate road accident casualties among 16 year old moped riders in Great Britain. The study analyses the details of 1,888 16 year old moped riders who were killed or seriously injured on the roads between 2000 and 2006. It compares 16 year old moped riders with motorcyclists aged 17-19, using the Department of Transport’s accident data for the seven year period. A summary of the report ’16 - the dangerous age for moped riders’ is available from the IAM Motoring Trust: http://www.iamtrust.org.uk Mopeds offer 16 year olds their first opportunity for independent motorised transport. However over a quarter of all 16 year old casualties in road accidents are on a moped. Almost all 16 year old moped rider casualties are boys, and at 16 there are more boys on mopeds killed or seriously injured than in cars, or walking or cycling. Moped accidents account for about 8% of deaths from all causes among 16 year old boys: slightly more than the number killed in an assault. By the age of 18 when many young people have passed their driving test, the number of moped casualties falls substantially and the number who are car occupant casualties increases. The report analyses where and when 16 year old moped riders are killed or seriously injured on the roads and looks at how various accident circumstances combine together. The main factors involved in fatal and serious casualties among 16 year old moped riders can be summarised as: • Predominantly between 7 am and 7 pm; • In daylight; • In fine weather on dry roads; • On minor roads; • In urban areas with a 30 mph speed limit; • At junctions; • Involving other vehicles; While each of these factors accounts. (Author/publisher)

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20090425 ST [electronic version only]

London, IAM (The Institute of Advanced Motorists) Motoring Trust, 2008, 37 p.

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