The 1964 California driver record study. Part 8: the prediction of accident involvement using concurrent driver record data.

Coppin, R.S. & Beck, R.C.

The present study will be concerned with some important aspects of post-licensing driver control in California and will strive to relate empirical data to operational policy. Based on the findings of this study, highly complex systems and formulae for assigning point differentials by type of violation do not seem agencies. In part 9 the authors will consider some additional variables such as age and will also include an evaluation of non-concurrent relationships. While it is extremely doubtful that the non-concurrent evaluation will support a more complex weighting system, the addition of other variables will increase the size of the correlations and could influence the optimum allocation of weights, if only slightly. The real acid test will not come until an additional three years of driver record data (1963-1966) is added to the study. When this is completed sometime next year, the entire six year driver record will be subjected to a non-linear regression analysis in an attempt to generate an optimally efficient predictor equation for use as a driver improvement selection tool.

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3451 fo

Sacramento, CA, California Department of Motor Vehicles CAL-DMV, 1967, 30 p.; CAL-DMV-RSS-67-20

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