The 1964 California driver record study. Part II accidents, traffic citations and negligent operator counts by sex.

Coppin, S. & Peck, C.

The study covers: (1) a comparison between the present study and the 1954 and 1958 california driver record studies in terms of accident and citation frequencies, and (2) a description of the california male and female driving population in terms of a variety of driver record parameters, such as accident frequency, citation frequency, negligent operator point count and failure-to-appear incidence. The major findings were: (1) there have been no dramatic changes in the distribution or incidence of accidents and citations by drivers since the original 1954 study. (2) males have more than twice as many accidents and/or citations as have females. And (3) as of july 1, 1965, slightly less than one percent (117,200) of california's driver record file population could be classified as a prima facie negligent operator. /author/.

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State of California, Division of Adminstration, Department of Motor Vehicles, 1965, 20 p.; Report No 20

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