1988 Regular Common Carrier Conference RCCC motor carrier safety survey.

Beilock, R.

This report provides analyses and detailed results of the third "RCCC Motor Carrier Safety Survey." In September 1988, 878 interviews were conducted with over-the-road truck drivers from the U.S. and Canada. These were the principal issues addressed: perceived speed limits, truck cruising speeds and compliance behavior; extent of driver training; extent of and truck drivers' opinions regarding drug and alcohol usage and testing; driver financial well-being, job intentions and employment alternatives; effectiveness of roadside inspections; role of driver fatigue in safety; off-interstate access for larger combination rigs; acceptance and usage of certain safety devices (seat belts, antilock brakes, monitoring devices) and extent of radar detector usage. (A)

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891022 ST

Alexandria, Virginia, Regular Common Carrier Conference RCCC, 1990, 54 + 29 p., 16 ref.

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