1990 Highway Fact Book.

Moretti, F.R. (Editor).

This booklet is an annual publication of the Highway Users Federation and the Automotive Safety Foundation. It is a handy reference for persons concerned about the quality of highway transportation and traffic safety. Tables and figures are presented showing data on the following: Growth Trends; Demographic Changes; Commuting Trends; Motor Vehicle Travel by Purpose; Total U.S. Transportation Expenditures; Annual Highway Expenditures; Highway Trust Fund Authorizations--FY'90; Sources of Highway Funds--1988; Sources of Federal Highway Trust Fund Money--FY'88; Annual Highway Expenditures Per Vehicle Mile of Travel; Dedication of Highway User Taxes; State Motor Fuel Taxes and Gasoline Use Per Capita; Road and Street Mileage and Travel; Urban Interstate Congestion; Highway Pavement and Bridge Deficiencies; Comparison of VMT and Total Capital Spending; Intercity Truck Freight Movement; Crude Oil Resources and Imports; Gasohol Facts--1988; Safety Belt & Child Safety Seat Use; States With Safety Belt Laws; Drunk Driving Countermeasures; Traffic Deaths and Death Rates; Potential Future Fatalities; Speed Limits; Percentage of Licensed Drivers 65 and Above; Motor Vehicle Fleet 1970-1987; and National Passenger Car Fleet by Age Groups. (A)

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Washington, D.C., Highway Users Federation, Automotive Safety Foundation, 1990, 24 p.

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