1997-2001 ongevallenanalyse Drenthe : bijlage bij het werkplan 2003 Verkeers- en Vervoersberaad Drenthe.


This report is an appendix to the working plan of the Drenthe Transport Board (see C 25552). The report contains an analysis of accidents occurred in the province of Drenthe in the period 1997-2001. Among others, the general results show that: (1) the total number of accidents increased by 9%; (2) the number of injury accidents increased by 10% (a strong increase especially on state roads); (3) the number of casualties increased by 11% whereby a very strong increase in the number of fatalities on state roads was noticed; and (4) that the severity of road accidents increased (especially on state and provincial roads). Based on the accident analysis, there are a number of target groups and topics that deserve attention, for example: (i) the following age groups: 12 year-olds and younger, 16-18 year olds, 19-33 year olds, and 60 year-olds and older. Special attention deserve the 16-25 year olds; (ii) (continuing) attention, especially, to 50 and 80 km/h roads; (iii) research of accident and casualty trends on 120 km/h roads; (iv) evaluation of the alcohol approach; and (v) speed behaviour.

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C 25553

Assen, Verkeers- en Vervoersberaad Drenthe, 2003, 60 p.

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