2005 Valuation of the benefits of prevention of road accidents and casualties.


This note gives the Department for Transport estimates of the values for prevention of road casualties and road accidents for use in the appraisal of road schemes. Based on 2005 road accident data, the estimates are given for 2005 at June 2005 prices and values. The note also explains the basis upon which the estimates are made. Estimates of the total value of prevention of road casualties and road accidents in Great Britain are also given for 2005. These do not represent actual costs incurred as the result of road accidents. They are the cost-benefit values and represent the benefits which would be obtained by prevention of road accidents. (Author/publisher)

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20070080 ST [electronic version only] /10 /81 /

London, Department of Transport DfT, 2007, 13 p., 9 ref.; Highways Economics Note No. 1: 2005

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