30 km/u tussen Vlaardingen en Maassluis.


Early this year the Dutch Council of State ruled that in some cases the speed limit on public roads outside built-up areas may be reduced to 30 kph. The action was provoked by two neighbouring municipalities seeking to reduce conflicts between motor car and cycle traffic. The province serving as a service hatch in such cases, amended the request, however, and asked the Ministry of Transport for a speed limit of 50 kph. The Minister refused to back either limit and asked the municipalities to remove the speed signs, which they refused. They appealed to the Council of State which ruled that the 30 kph speed limit is legal, provided that there is a regular and tightened-up enforcement, which passes the buck to the police.

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B 20662 T [electronic version only] /73/ IRRD 264492

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 33 (1982), No. 8 (augustus), p. 414-416, 3 fig.

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