9th international scientific conference "Together we'll make a safer world : an international forum for the reduction of road accidents", Rishon Lezion, Israel, 8-9 February 2006 : abstracts.


This year the following fields are presented by considering some of the relevant sub-topics: Judging and Sanctioning (The relationship between the punishment for traffic violations policy and road accidents, the effectiveness of certain punishment methods, dealing with the question "who's a recidivist driver?"); Safety Culture in Organizations (Considering safety models: relationship between safety climate, safety management, training, procedures, planning, incident feedback and recording, management supervision, employees' attitudes, work stress, risk perception and safe driving); Safety in Cities (Improving the driving culture in cities, Reducing the amounts of accidents and numbers of injuries, Encouraging good behaviour on the road especially amongst the children , older road users and pedestrians, Full detailed explanatory activities amidst the city citizens, Dealing with the Enforcement issue- integrating various factors such as the municipality, ministry of transport, the police and volunteers.); and Rescue and Rehabilitation (Epidemiology of road accidents, urgent medical assistance and car crashes, trauma in road accidents, methods of improving the treatment quality and shortening of reaction time, considering the question "how can urgent medical help reduce fatalities and disabilities?")

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20060326 ST

Rishon Lezion, The College of Management Academic Studies, Department of Behavioral Sciences, The Research Institute of Human Factors in Road Safety (NPRO), 2006, 62 p.

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