Aanpak verkeersonveiligheid op basis van SAARA.

Politie Haaglanden

This manual has been developed within the framework of the uniformity, effectiveness, and efficiency of traffic controls in the Haaglanden Region Police Corps (i.e. The Hague and surroundings). Within the region Haaglanden, especially in district stations, the subject traffic is not seen as having the highest priority, and partly because of this, traffic controls are carried out in different ways. The Traffic and Operational Support Department wishes to cooperate with district stations by means of intensive traffic controls each month. In this way an efficient instrument for promoting road safety will come into being. This manual pays attention to the way of carrying this out that has been developed according to the SAARA (Scanning, Analysis, Arrangements, Response, and Assessment) model. The Traffic and Operational Support Department will carry out intensive traffic controls together with the district stations. Together they will have to provide knowledge, manpower, and finances for carrying out these traffic controls. By doing this way, district stations get more insight in and knowledge of traffic, shape is given to road safety improvement within the region in a more intensive and positive manner, and there is uniformity in the carrying out of traffic controls. For the cooperation, 7 spearheads have been chosen. These are: Alcohol, Seatbelts, Crash helmets, Red traffic lights, Speeding, Aggression in traffic, and (Light) Mopeds. Within the framework of uniformity, guidelines for working out the various spearheads, besides the way of working, are included in this manual. This will all take place according to the SAARA model.

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C 25187 [electronic version only]

's-Gravenhage, Politie Haaglanden, Bureau Verkeer en Operationale Ondersteuning, [2003], 49 p.

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