AASHTO Safety Leadership Forum V, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 5, 2011 : Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) - aggressive plans to meet aggressive goals.

Mercer, B.J.

The fifth AASHTO Safety Leadership Forum focused on the comprehensive, aggressive approach to reaching highway safety goals that is the centerpiece of individual state DOT efforts as well as a national strategy for highway safety. Such an approach will be necessary to maintain the crash data trends reviewed by state and federal leaders during the Forum. The role of public health programs and professionals in the highway safety field was discussed in detail, and participants were urged to include this valuable partner in strategic highway safety planning efforts. State leaders shared experiences in conversation circles, and a checklist was developed to provide leaders with a list of key elements of strong multidisciplinary programs. (Author/publisher) The forum PowerPoint presentations are available on line at: http://scohts.transportation.org/pages/2011safetyleadershipforum5.aspx

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20111755 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO, 2011, VI + 17 p.; SLF-5 - ISBN 978-1-56051-524-1

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