Aboriginal community road safety : project report.

Ella, L. Mooren, L. & Elkington, J.

A community involvement approach was used in a pilot road safety study project implemented in two Aboriginal communities, Caroona (75 kms south of Tamworth) and Dareton (on the Victoria border). Through community consultation survey and analysis, the project sought to highlight those road safety issues of concern in the two participating Aboriginal communities and, through community participation approaches, attempt to find ways to address these issues. The problems and possible solutions identified from the survey were taken back to both communities for decisions as to action to be taken to address the issues of concern highlighted in the survey. The initial assessment of the project points to issues to be considered in the future when introducing community development. These points include the diversity of each community, allocation of time, recognition of the important role family groupings have in Aboriginal society and recognition of differences in preferred methods of problem identification and problem solving.

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C 1837 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 843143

Rosebery, NSW, Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales RTA, Road Safety Bureau, 1992, 16 + 15 p., 10 ref.; Consultant Report ; CR 1/92 - ISSN 0819-2243 / ISBN 0-7305-3676-9

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