Acceptability of in-vehicle intelligent transport systems to Victorian car drivers.

Mitsopoulos, E. Regan, M.A. & Haworth, N.

The Monash University Accident Research Centre recently completed research for the Royal Automobile Club of Victoria into the acceptability to car drivers of several in-vehicle Intelligent Transport Systems with high estimated safety potential. The acceptability of seven technologies was assessed: Forward Collision Warning; Intelligent Speed Adaptation; Emergency Notification; Electronic Licence; Alcohol Interlock; Fatigue Monitoring; and Lane Departure Warning. Participants belonged to sub-groups of car drivers (defined by age and sex) who, from examination of Victorian crash data, were either over-represented or involved most in crashes of the types addressed by the technologies under study. To be acceptable to participants a system was defined as needing to be useful, effective, usable, affordable, and socially acceptable. The Alcohol Interlock and Electronic Licence were found to be least acceptable to drivers. They were also, along with Intelligent Speed Adaptation, the systems that were estimated to confer the greatest safety benefit. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E209619. This paper may also be accessed by Internet users at:

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C 27841 (In: C 27817 CD-ROM) /83 /91 / ITRD E209643

In: Proceedings of the Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2002, Adelaide, Australia, 4-5 November 2002, Vol. 1, p. 163-168, 15 ref.

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