Access to accessibility : measuring accessibility in the City of Eindhoven. Thesis National Institute for Tourism and Traffic Studies NHTV, Breda.

Waes, K.M. van

The issue of how to measure accessibility has a long tradition in many disciplines. Over the years, many different measures of accessibility have been suggested in the literature. The more sophisticated measures are to be preferred as they best reflect actual human behaviour. Accessibility plays a significant role in Dutch transportation studies. In the Dutch transportation policy, one of the goals of the future traffic and transportation policies is to increase the accessibility of locations. The goal of the present report is to find or construct a geographical accessibility measure that describes the accessibility of a location and shows what the effects are of changes in the network, number of schools, green facilities, shopping centres, sport facilities, play facilities and leisure centres on the accessibility of that location. Because the availability of information of the City of Eindhoven, Eindhoven is chosen as a case in this study. (A)

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990981 ST

Eindhoven, Eindhoven University of Technology TUE, 1999, 55 + 60 p., 36 ref.

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