Access rights.

Huntington, D. & Wen, J.

This synthesis will be of interest to state transportation agency personnel, as well as to others who are involved in acquiring access rights alongroadways other than freeways. This report documents the state of the practice with the intent to limit the amount of access to the roadway for thepurpose of managing highway safety and mobility. Successful practices aredocumented along with current policies, legal and real estate literature,and other publications that address this subject. The findings focus on the three main areas of acquisition, management, and disposal. Lessons learned and information gaps are also explored. This synthesis of the Transportation Research Board contains information culled from the responses toa survey questionnaire of 32 state transportation agencies, supplemented by the material collected as part of a literature review. Personal interviews were also conducted to provide specific case studies that demonstratethe issues facing practitioners today. (Author/publisher) This report may be accessed by Internet users at


C 46134 [electronic version only] /20 /73 / ITRD E850196

Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board TRB, 2005, 82 p., 52 ref.; National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP, Synthesis of Highway Practice ; Report 351 / NCHRP Project 20-5, FY 2003 (Topic 35-06) - ISSN 0547-5570 / ISBN 0-309-09755-X

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