Accident data collection and analysis : progress in the use of the microcomputer package MAAP in the Asian region.

Al-Katib, M. Hills, B.L. & Baguley, C.

An efficient accident recording and analysis system is a basic requirement for any country attempting to tackle its road safety problem. The Overseas Centre began development of a Microcomputer Accident Analysis Package (MAAP) at the beginning of the 1980's and, at the same time, it began experimenting with new designs of police accident report forms that were intended to be both easy-to-use and compatible with computer coding. The first trials of MAAP took place in Egypt in 1983, and in 1986 Karachi adopted the package for analysis of its accident data. The first country to adopt the system nationally was Papua New Guinea in 1987. Major trials of the system are currently under way in a number of Asian countries including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, the Philippines and Sri Lanka; and recently Fiji became the first country to adopt the latest version of the package, MAAPfive. The introduction of MAAP can be largely independent of the design and content of the accident report form, providing the form is suitable for computer coding. However, in the field trials of MAAP, most of the countries have adopted police accident report forms that incorporate features based on TRL designs. This paper describes recent progress with the implementations of the package in the region. (Author/publisher) For the covering abstract see IRRD 893989.

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C 22000 [electronic version only] /80 / IRRD 893993

In: Proceedings of Intertraffic Middle East '96, safety symposium held at Dubai World Trade Center, 24 - 25 November 1996, 6 p., 9 ref.

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