Accident investigation by conflict study.

Suhadi, R.U.R. & Adnan, A.

An accident conflict study was carried out at six priority-intersections in the Klang Valley area. The data were recorded for a 12-hour period on video tapes and analysed. The conflicts were categorised into simple and serious conflicts. They were compared to accident figures collected for the sites in the last three years. The results indicate a good correlation between serious conflicts and the accident figures. (A)

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C 6638 (In: C 6625) /81 /83 / IRRD 823268

In: Proceedings of the sixth conference of the Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Kuala Lumpur, 4-10 March, 1990 : Volume 3, Session 9, Paper 6, 8 p., 4 ref.

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