Accident or suicide? : destruction by automobile.

Tabacknick, N. (ed.)

The book explores suicidal and self-destructive trends in drivers who become involved in automobile accidents. Specific features of the project include: an objective test of 13 hypotheses related to such issues as suicide, self-destruction and drug taking and using two comparison groups of suicidal and non-self-destructive persons; a psychodynamic review and interpretation of psychoanalytical interviews; a study of significant others (wives, mothers, etc.) of the main subjects; and the examination of methods of improving the validity of the study. Suicide and others self-destructive factors, psychological determinants and the roles of alcohol and mental illness in accident drivers are evaluated. The final chapter presents suggestions for the reduction of the accident toll, primarily by a strong program of education.

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B 5030 /83/ IRRD 212855

Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas Publishing Co., 1973, XX + 262 p., tab., ref.

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