Accident prevention measures update (1996-1999).

Transport Research Laboratory TRL, Library Services

This issue of Current Topics includes over 85 abstracts of reports, conference papers, books and journal articles which focus on some of the many worldwide measures now in force to protect the safety of road users. These include a wide range of safety engineering measures aimed at speed reduction (e.g. traffic calming, chevron road markings), data analysis to identify hazardous locations, collision avoidance technology within and outside the car, and highway design which is focused on speed control. Many articles are concerned with accident prevention for specific groups of users such as children and pedestrians. These items have been selected from the material added to the Transport Research Laboratory's Library Database between 1996 and 1999. Much of the relevant English language published literature from the UK, USA, Australia and Europe is included; some of the non-UK literature is included courtesy of the OECD International Road Research Documentation (IRRD) database. The previous edition of this title, CT 43, covered abstracts added to the database between 1991 and 1993. Abstracts for the years 1994-1996 can be found in the previous issue of this title (Current Topics in Transport 43.1 (C 10572 S).


C 14547 S /80 / IRRD E102498

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 1999, 45 p.; Current Topics in Transport ; CT 43.2 - ISSN 1464-1380

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