Accident reconstruction. Response of halogen light filaments during vehicle collisions.

Fries, T.R. & Lapp, R.O.

An important issue in many vehicle accidents is to determine if the vehicles lights were on or off at impact. It may be the brake lights, signal lights, back- up lights, or headlights that are at issue. Review of the literature indicates that analysis of halogen headlights are not covered in the detail of other lights. This paper will evaluate halogen headlights.

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B 29016 (In: B 29001) /80 /91 / IRRD 823683

In: Motor vehicle accident reconstruction: Review and update. SAE Publication No. SP- 777. International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 27- March 3, 1989, p.165- 176. SAE Paper No. 890856.

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