Accident statistics and the potential of driver assistance systems.

Kühn, M. & Bende, J. (Eds.)

Before we make any statements about the effect of advanced driver assistance systems (ADASs) on road safety and their potential for the future, it is essential to know about and understand the accidents that happen. The accident patterns identified should then be addressed by the specific functions of the ADAS. In order to do this, a shift of focus is required from the general, representative view obtained from a country's accident statistics to detailed analysis of the accidents that happen. That, in turn, requires surveys of varying degrees of quality to collect accident data, resulting in accident statistics that provide specific information. This field extends from the representative surveys of the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), based on road accident reports, to the in-depth analyses of different accident researchers working on road safety. In Germany that means using, above all, the German In-Depth Accident Study (GIDAS) and the German Insurers' Accident Database (UDB). GIDAS stands out in terms of its level of detail and the usefulness of its data. The data collected at accident locations for a representative selection of road accidents in a specific region is unrivalled. This joint research project of the German Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) and the Forschungsgemeinschaft Automobiltechnik (FAT), a research alliance of all German car makers, is thus extremely useful for accident research. The UDB, on the other hand, is based on the claims data of insurers. The data is based on a representative selection of motor third-party liability claims involving damage costs of at least 15,000 Euros and at least one case of injury. However, the UDV (German Insurers Accident Research) does not investigate these cases at the accident locations. Consequently, certain kinds of statement cannot be made about the vehicle etc., or at least only with reservations. This dataset thus describes more severe claims and cannot be compared for all issues with the official road traffic accident statistics or GIDAS. (Author/publisher)

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20170477 ST [electronic version only]

Berlin, German Insurance Association (Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft GDV), 2014, 16 p., 11 ref.; Compact accident research ; No. 47

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