Accident victim interaction with vehicle interior: Reconstruction fundamentals.

Nyquist, G.W. & Kennedy, E.P.

Principles involved in reconstructing the impact event experienced by a vehicle occupant during a collision are discussed. Because of the complicated mechanical nature of the human body and the vehicle interior. This discipline involves the application of both art and science. Recognized procedures are discussed for collecting and analyzing information and reaching conclusions. Particular attention is given to evidence available from the accident vehicle.

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B 26936 (In: B 26928) /80 /91 / IRRD 812482

In: Accident Reconstruction: Automobiles, tractor, semi- trailers, motorcycles and pedestrians.SAE publication No. P- 193.Proceedings of the International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 23- 27, 1987, p. 57- 69, 9 ref. SAE paper No. 870500

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