Accuracy of prediction of urban air pollutant concentration by diffusion models.

Seinfeld, J.H.

Projections of future transportation-related air quality impacts require the use of mathematical models that relate emissions to air quality. Concepts of validity and accuracy for atmospheric air pollutant diffusion models are formulated and numerical experiments that can be used to test both the validity and the accuracy of the models are suggested.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 12867 (In: B 10633 S) /93/ IRRD 223527

In: Proceedings of a Conference on the State of the Art of Assessing Transportation- Related Air Quality Impacts, Washington, October 22-24, 1975, TRB Special Report No. 167, p. 34-45, 1 fig., 1 graph., 3 tab., 37 ref.

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