The achievements, future development and aspirations of the New Zealand Defensive Driving Council (INC)

McMillan, J.A.J.

Introduced in 1968 the defensive driving course has become New Zealand's predominant driver re- education programme. During this period 23000 drivers, approximately 13.53% of the estimated 1700000 licence holders, have attended a defensive driving course. Because there appears to be insufficient concentration given to this aspects of road safety, the council will continue to press for changes to the legisla- tion which aim at establishing increased pre licence education, supported by standardised testing applied nationwide.

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B 27922 (In: B 27919 [electronic version only]) /83 / IRRD 804406

In: Road Traffic Safety Seminar, Wellington, 15-17 August, 1984, Volume I, p. 32-50

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