Achieving high levels of compliance with road safety laws. Prepared for the Travelsafe Committee of the Legislative Assembly Queensland.

Elliott & Shanahan Research

This report documents what is known about achieving high levels of compliance with road safety laws. The literature is reviewed with respect to this area. The emphasis on road safety countermeasures in the report is on road user related measures rather than on measures concerned with the vehicle, or the road environment, although occasionally it is suggested that solutions may be outside the road user. Heavy vehicles are briefly considered in chapter 5. The report focuses on encouragement and enforcement rather than on engineering or education. It attempts to provide a compendium of knowledge with respect to: a) what is known about what "works"; b) what could be improved; and c) what might "work" but needs further investigation. The major emphasis is on achieving compliance with respect to drink driving and speeding laws because of their significance.

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950831 ST [electronic version only]

North Sidney, NSW, Elliott & Shanahan Research, 1992, 78 + 8 p., 87 ref.

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