Acquisition of skill.

Bilodeau, E.A.

This book contains the papers presented at a conference on "Acquisition of skill" held March 8-12-1965 in New Orleans. The book begins with a history of research. The second chapter, on selective learning, is the first substantive chapter. Chapter 3 covers the topic of individual differences. A succession of chapters 4,5,6,7, follows in which the motor literature, and some verbal as well, is covered, but in which the authors make more of a point of speaking to the issues of learning. Chapters 8 and 9 are more frankly motors, dealing with tracking and moving respectively.

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3 + 8 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 5620 S 70245

New York, Academic Press, 1966, 539 p., index, tekn.

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